I hear you withthe the scrolling thru socials. I made a rule that FB was not aloud on my phone. and for the last 3-4 months I uninstall IG and have IG hours. love the list we really do have SOOO many things to do. we just don't wanna do them lool

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Usually I don’t spend much time on IG but sometimes I just catch myself in a deep dive. Uninstall for a while is a good idea!

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My ADHD lovesss the parenting memes. Will lose myself for hours🙈🤪

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A great list! I make a list every day of things that I have to get done, but I always like to include a stretch of quiet time (preferably outside) to just "be" without devices. So easy to get sucked into the "scroll".

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Spending time outside it my favorite!

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Definitely #5 for me!

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I love this idea. Over a year ago, I ditched Instagram which had a huge positive impact on my life as it resulted in me spending less time on my phone. And I've never really gotten into tiktok either, yet I still spend more time on my phone than I'd like to. Not necessarily in terms of the total amount of hours but I do often notice myself reaching for my phone mindlessly and checking notifications whenever I feel bored. And sometimes just to seek instant gratification. So maybe having a list of things I'd rather do than check my phone, could be helpful with changing this habit. I'll definitely give it a go. Thanks for sharing!

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Absolutely ❤️

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Mar 23Liked by Leanna Julius

Love this! Sometimes coming up with something to do is half be mental effort of doing the thing 😂

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Very true!

Thanks for reading!

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Mar 22Liked by Leanna Julius

I try to don't scroll on social media but something it's hard to just focus on me. Thanks for this article

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You’re welcome ☺️

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Mar 21Liked by Leanna Julius

I loved this! I really enjoy doing something artsy like scrapbooking or colouring books, listening to podcasts, baking, going on walks, visiting my local library, etc. There's so much amazing stuff we can do away from our phones! 💙

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Scrapbooking is another thing I like to do and you can never go wrong with a trip to the library!

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Letting your mind wander is such a great thing to add to this list. It sounds like nothing much but I think just sitting there, doing nothing, and letting your mind go wherever it wants to go is a nice way to recharge.

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I agree!

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Love this list and so glad mine inspired it!! 🥹

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Thank you ☺️

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