I think one tip that worked for me was to save potential headlines on 'Notes' in my phone. Whenever Im running out of ideas, I just look at it and try to pick one that I find relevant at that point in time.

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I’ve been there before with the freak out of not knowing what to write a day before it’s time to publish 😂

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Such a good prompt that mostly includes the 5 senses! Thanks for sharing your outdoor experience, and for linking your previous post on 100 journal prompts. Saving that one for future reference!

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It was such a great mindful experience!

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May 23Liked by Leanna Julius

Hehe that buy me a coffee idea is so creative and cuteeeee! i still am an unemployed and self working writer, so 😞. But I CAN STILL HELP WITH COMMENTS and a little engagement ( the thing i am best with)

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I appreciate the comments and thanks for reading!

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May 23Liked by Leanna Julius

So i think I SHOULD go for a morning walk tommorow, I misss those.

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The best!!

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May 23Liked by Leanna Julius

Just texted in a thread that how i couldn't get inspired to write anything and here you updated your newsletter... lets see how this one helps 😬

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May 23Liked by Leanna Julius

yes! the scent ... i call it the smell of green . I just loveeeeeeee it.

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A bit of synchronicity for us today as I also wrote about dry spells and using daily questions to overcome them. But I love your outdoor approach as well. Being in nature always helps me break out of mental slumps and writing ones, too!

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Great minds think alike!

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