The Mind Reset
the mind reset.


Creating a more balanced life with the power of meditation

This is supposed to be a weekly meditation podcast, but life has been crazy lately and I haven’t posted a new meditation in over a month. I don’t know how crazy life will be moving forward so I am changing this to a weekly-ish meditation podcast for the time being. I’m not gonna say a specific day either so it’s gonna be more of a surprise. Hopefully I will be able to get back on a schedule soon, but for now I don’t want to set expectations and leave everyone hanging.

Ironically, as I am trying to find balance within my new home (for now) and new routine, today’s meditation is all about creating a balanced life and not feeling guilty for taking time for YOURSELF and doing things you WANT to do while continuing doing the things you HAVE to do.

Life is all about balance. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it’s perfectly okay, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing.

- Lori Deschene

I hope you enjoy today’s meditation and meet me back here next time :)

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The Mind Reset
the mind reset.
the mind reset offers short meditations to help ground, center and reset your mind.
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